Optos Daytona
The optomap is the only image that provides an ultra-widefield view of up to 82% of the retina in one capture. A simple optomap is an important tool for the screening, early detection and a single diagnosis of eye problems such as retinal detachment and tears, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration. It can also indicate evidence of non-eye diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and certain cancers. Many of these conditions can be seen in the periphery of the retina, as well as in the central pole, which is why ultra-widefield imaging is so important.
Melanoma detected with Optos Imaging
Melanoma is cancer that usually occurs on the skin. It develops from the cells that produce the dark-colored pigment melanin, which is responsible for our skin's coloring.
These cells, called melanocytes, are also found in other places in our bodies, such as our hair, the lining of our internal organs, and our eyes. While most melanomas do begin to grow in the skin, it is possible for a melanoma to begin in other parts, including the eye. When melanoma does occur in the eye it is called ocular melanoma.
There are other types of eye cancers, but melanoma is the most common. Choroidal melanomas are the most common site comprising 85% of cases. Other sites include ciliary body, iris, and conjunctiva.
Current research is also showing that ocular melanoma is very different from normal skin melanoma.
Glaucoma images on the Optos
Glaucoma is a disease that damages your eye’s optic nerve. It usually happens when fluid builds up in the front part of your eye. That extra fluid increases the pressure in your eye, damaging the optic nerve.